01 短文の語句空所補充問題の演習でボキャブラリーを一気に養う
There were some points in your report that I didn’t understand. I would appreciate it if you could ( ) them for me. |
1 qualify 2 clarify 3 nullify 4 purify |
qualiry : verb, 1 to reach the standard of the ability of knowledge needed to do a particular job, for example by completing a course of study or passing exams 2 to give sb the skill and knowledge they need to do sth 3 to have or give sb the right to do sth
The training course will qualify you for a better job. (講習では、より良い仕事に就くための資格を得ることができます。)
The test qualifies you to drive heavy vehicles. (試験で、大型車の運転資格を得ることができます。)
You must have lived in this country for at least three years to qualify. (この国に3年以上住んでいることが資格の条件です。)
If you live in the area, you qualify for a parking permit. (この地域に住んでいる場合、駐車許可証の資格が得られます。)
nullify : 1 ~ sth to make sth such as an agreement or order lose its legal force 2 ~sth to make sth lose its effect or power
Judges were unwilling to nullify government decisions. (裁判官は政府の決定を無効化することに消極的だった。)
An unhealthy diet will nullify the effects of training. (不健康な食事は、トレーニングの効果を無効にしてしまいます。)
purify : verb, 1 ~sth to make pure by removing substances that are dirty, harmful or not wanted 2 ~sb/sth/yourself to make sb pure by removing evil from their souls 3 =sth ( from sth) (technical) to take a pure form of a substance out of another substance that contains it
Hindus purify themselves by bathing in the river Ganges. (ヒンズー教徒はガンジス川で沐浴して身を清める。)
02 英英辞典を引いて、英語を英語で覚えることで、語感を養い、さらにボキャブラリーを増やす
Jim’s grandmother gave him her old cell phone, thinking it was still useful. However, it was ( ). |
1 immaculate 2 obsolete 3 somber 4 ambiguous |
正解は、廃れたを意味するobsolateです。ジムの祖母は彼女の古い携帯をまだ役立つだろうと考えて、彼に与えた。しかし、それはもう時代遅れのものだった。 immaculate(汚れのない)、somber(陰気な)、ambiguous(曖昧な)
immaculate: adj, extremely clean and tidy 2 containing no performance
She always looks immaculate.(いつも垢抜けた表情をしています。)
She was n a somber mood. (彼女は陰鬱な気分だった)
Since his neighbor’s car was stolen. William has been parking his car repairs, he ( ) for several seconds because it was so expensive. However, he realized he had no choice but to pay. |
1 compulsion 2 circumstances 3 probability 4 precaution |
compulsion : noun, (formal) 1 strong pressure that makes sb do sth that they do not what to do 2 ~(to do sth) a strong desire to do sth, especially sth that is wrong, silliy or dangerous
You are under no compulsion to pay immediately. (すぐに支払うことを強制されるものではありません。)
The legal system is based on compulsion. (法制度は強制に基づくものである。)
He felt a great compulsion to tell her everything. (彼は、彼女にすべてを話さなければならないという強い衝動に駆られた。)
Obsessions and compulsions often develop in people who live stressful lives. (強迫観念は、ストレスの多い生活を送っている人に多く発症します。)
circumstances : noun AW, (C, usually pl.) the condction and facts that are connected with and affect a situation, an event or an action 2 circumstances (pl.) the condition of a person’s life, espicially the money they have 3 situations and events that affect and influence your life and that are they cannot
The company reserves the right to cancel this agreement in certain circumstances. (当社は、事情により本契約を解除することができるものとします。)
Police said there were no suspicious circumstances surrounding the boy’s death. (警察は、少年の死に不審な点はなかったと発表しています。)
probability : noun, 1 how likely sth is to happen 2 a thing that is likely to happen 3 a ratio showing the chances that a particular thing will happen
The probability is that prices will rise rapidly. (物価が急激に上昇する確率が高い。)
There seemed to be a high probability of success. (成功する確率が高いと思われた。)
A fall in interest rates is a strong probability in the present economic climate. (現在の経済情勢では金利の低下は強い確率である。)
There is a 60% probability that the population will be infected with the disease. (人口が病気に感染する確率は60%である。)

【監修者】 | 宮川涼 |
プロフィール | 早稲田大学大学院文学研究科哲学専攻修士号修了、同大学大学院同専攻博士課程中退。日本倫理学会員 早稲田大学大学院文学研究科にてカント哲学を専攻する傍ら、精神分析学、スポーツ科学、文学、心理学など幅広く研究に携わっている。 |